


Try once for the fun,
Try twice to get better,
Try sixty more times
If you’re a Go-Getter.

Go-Getters get tough
when the tough get going,
…when the wind is blowing
those winds of unknowing.

Watch for the lesson
of each arrow’s flight,
They’ll show you what’s wrong
as well as what’s right.

Keep your eye on the prize,
and as each arrow flies…
clues will arrive
to reveal mastery’s disguise.

Mistakes are what make
the knowing grow firm,
The more shots that you take
The more that you’ll learn.

The more that you learn
to Go get the Going,
a Getter you’ll earn
of knowing and growing.

And that my friend 
is the real prize. 
Go-getters take pride
in turning tries into wise.  


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Love your art and poetry!!

Jacquie woodward

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